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Monday – Friday
7:30 AM – 10:00 PM

How much?

We charge 4800 HUF per hour (60 minutes). If you are a full-time student, a teacher, or currently unemployed, then the price is 4200 HUF per hour.

What time?

Please note that many people want English lessons at 8:00 AM or 7:00 PM. We will do our best to find a time that is good for you.

Our family reserves one hour every evening for dinner, but otherwise, if Doug is not at the Deaf School or coaching the Vác Ironmen Baseball Team, his hours are rather flexible.

If you can read this, then we can help you.

Our clients have come from the following occupations.... occupation word cloud

Our students are independent thinkers who..

Many of our students don't get enough hours of English at school. Often they are preparing for a language exam. They want practice with a native speaker.

Some of our clients use English at their workplace. They don't want more grammar. They want to expand their vocabulary and improve their fluency.

Some clients travel abroad, or they plan to move to an English-speaking country. They need to know what to say and how to say it.

If you speak some English, then you can benefit from Old Dominion's free-style, conversational English lessons.

Call or write, and learn more English!